Friday, November 9, 2007

number 2

so i had a lot of fears driving over to pick up the little guys/girls from the Reproductive Tech Lab. What if the sperm was worse than the first batch? what if it was empty, i dont know if that is even possible. I got the place, paid my monies and went to the back of the office where the cute girl with the black nail polish was waiting for me. she handed me the piece of paper with the breakdown. what? are you kidding me? 17 million!!!!!! post wash!!!!! literally a 13 million increase from last time. shazaamm!! i was so happy!!!!

i called my mother in law to tell her that her son had great sperm this time. she of course was stressing out that something was wrong with D. she was happy and laughing and said she was going to think about the squirting all day! what a MIL.

so i went to the doctor, went in the room, stripped and sat. the doctor came in right away, such a change from the regular OB. he was so nice and was really happy with the numbers. he was also very happy with my ultra sound result. yipppeee!

flashback - the day before, after my ultra sound, the nurse said that i would have to get a shot after the IUI. um what? ok, i can live with that. i guess. i came to work and immediately went to my boss and said, um shot? what? tell me. she said um i think that is progesterone and i think you have to do it at home for a week or so. um what? no no no no. so of course, typical me fashion, i went home that night and read all i could on the interent. not a great thing when you are trying to calm the F down. i finally just surrendered to the notion that i was going to be a human pin cushion.

flash forward- i got the iui, didn't even hurt this time - i was lying there, talking ot the doc and i didnt bring up the shot and he didnt bring up the shot. i sat there trying to be a big girl, i said , so i dont have to do anything else? i dont have to ummm come back? then i finally said, ok, do i have to get a shot or what. he said no, my cervix looked great and i surged on my own and blah blah blah, i tuned out after no!!!!!

all in all, it was a great experience. the procedure was half the cost than it was at the OB and it was faster and less painful.

now i have the dreaded TWW. i can do it. we can all do it. we are strong!!!!



Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! You were such a big girl and even asked about the shot...good for you!
I'm glad it was a positive expereince for you this time. And it sounds like things are lining up well this time around. Fingers crossed for you!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Sounds like it went well... I'm crossing my fingers for you. There are so many of us in the tww... Here's hoping we all get positives.