Tuesday, January 29, 2008

head feels like it is under water (and aother pic of emmet)

i am sick. i have been sick since friday. fever, aches chills, cough, sinus infection, the works. i hadnt been outside once since friday at 5 until last night when A took me to the urgent care. i got anti-biotics. i hope this works. i had to come to work today. i have two appointments. the last one is at 1:30. then i am going home. i have court tomorrow which sucks even when you feel good. ahhhh nuts!

on to other things, i took my last 2 clomid pills. does anyone know if anti-biotics interferres with clomid? the urgent care doctor didnt seem to think so but i trust all of you more.

good news is i am going to see emmet this weekend!!!!

my friend got a little boston terrier. her name is joan. she is super cute and i am going to puppy sit her tonight! hopefully she will understand that i am sick and will take care of me


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yea for drugs and puppy sitting! i'm sorry you're so sick. at least the clomid's done.

feel better love.