Monday, March 9, 2009

fertility tea galore!

so we are officially on the train! i ordreed some fertility tea this morning. A and I, after a lot of thought and discussion and prodding from friends, are going to try to do it at home. it is just so expensive when you have a known donor. the blood tests along are $800 per month. it is just so excessive when there is an option that is almost free. A is very hesitant b/c it is her brother, D. I am not, who cares, its not like he is going to be in the room when it gets squirted. i am excited. i have to ask D of course, but i think he will be more than happy to do it. he hates Los angeles and if he can avoid flying here once a month, he will be a much happier camper.

now i need to start getting myself ready. i stopped taking pre-natal vitamins so that should be the first thing. i need to make an appointment with the acupunturist. and i need to buy a new basal thermometr. I think i threw mine away in a fit of pissed off-ness. it is going to be hard to get back into the whole temperature taking and charting. now it will be even more important because i will not be getting ultrasounds.

i have a good feeling about this! i think i will call the acupunturist today. that part scares me! i hate needles, but for the bay-bee!!!!!!

bye bye


Lizzie said...

good luck! i always wished we'd had a chance to try at home. this is great news!

j.k-c. said...

Glad you are trying at home! I hope this works for you! And acupuncture is AMAZING!!!

Melissa and Terry said...

Hey, we'd like to follow your blog, but we can't figure out how!