Friday, December 21, 2007

happy birthday to me

so i have been gone for a while. we skipped this month so i didnt think i had much to say. now december 23 is getting close, and its my birthday! i have one of the shitiest days to be born in the year. december 24 is worse. december 25 is worse than that and december 26 is the worst of all. but mine, pretty much sucks.

my family always gets me one present for hannukah and my birthday. this year i literrally got a box wrapped half in hannukah and half in bday paper. One would think this would mean the gift cost twice as much. nope.

now, today, the last day of my work before we go on break, i am supposed to get a bday cake. mybday is on sunday. no other day that we are working between now and then. and guess what, every single person in my office forgot. see, i am usually the one who remembers. and when you are the one who remembers, you get forgotten.

i dont mean to throw a pity party but all of a sudden i am in my office tearing up. why do i care if these people forgot my bday? i guess because i feel like if they forgot my bday they dont care. but i dont think that is true. it goes back to the bad timing.

i guess it is my mom's fault.

thank goodness i have A. her family is planning a big party for me on my bday. we are going up north on sunday and the whole family and friends are going to be there for my favorite burrittos. i am really looking forward to it.

anyway, that is my sad tale of bday woe. i wish i could say it is a once in a lifetime experience, but it isnt.

ok, i am done bitching.

oh and i am gettting AF.



R said...

HAPPY early birthday!! It's my friend's birthday too, and since it was so close to Christmas, she NOW only gets one gift. I told her we'd take her out when we come back to MD :)

Hope your day gets better and enjoy your birthday on Sunday :)

Anonymous said...

Ahh - Happy Birthday from the both of us.