Wednesday, February 20, 2008


so today is, I think, 14dpo. I am not really sure b/c i got that HCG shot and my symptoms were all wacky. I had cramps around day 7, temp drop, then no cramps and temp increase. i had cramps yesterday and a really bad backache. no spotting, no nothing. then today, no cramps. wtf!

can the hcg shot F*** up a normal cycle?

then i went to the neurologist. had an eeg. they found nothing, they have never found anything. he told me, basically, if i ever want to drive again i need to be on medication and if i want to have a baby, i cant be on medication. nice options.
i am going to try and find another neurologist that maybe specializes in pregnant epileptics who rarely have seizures.



Anonymous said...

Hmm don't want to be a downer, but - hCG just f**cked up my nice, normal, regular cycle. My period was 2 or 3 days late and I had far less cramping leading up to it. I did have 2 hCG shots though - a trigger, and then another 5 days later - that's the one that apparently lengthens the luteal phase (I had to find that out myself, with IVP help - the nurses said it would not affect my cycle).

I hope your cycle weirdness is pregnancy weirdness, not trigger shot weirdness. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

j.k-c. said...

We haven't heard from you in a while, so I tagged you, check out my blog for details!

Anonymous said...

Come back.