Thursday, March 5, 2009

i heart rachel maddow

i am at work, watching rachel maddow on my i-touch, not working. i just love her. she is so smart and articulate and so good at explaining things and making me interested in them. i heart her. i wonder if she hearts me....

so we are still trying to get prepared to start trying again. i spoke with D and he is still on board (A's brother is our squirt donor). he is getting married this year, so i think we need to hurry up before anything changes. he wants kids of his own and i just get nervous. he is a really great guy, and he loves his sister so much i know he wouldnt do anything to hurt her. but he is also very emotional so who knows. the unknowns are killing me. always do in the ttc game.

well, i ahve to get back to my gf Rachel. :)

bye bye

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

hey! she is MY girlfriend, too! hah. did you see this funny post from lesbiandad: