Saturday, December 22, 2007

new day! happy day!

thank you so much for your nice messages. i am over my pity party and ready to be happy happy happy!

i dont have to work for 11 straight days. can you believe it????? and while i am not working, i will get a paycheck. that is better than a darn bday cake if you ask me.

last night, i cleaned our condo while watching mary poppins and then 9 to 5. it was a great night. i had to clean b/c a friend of mine i havent seen in 10 years is coming over. i am a little nervous. she is the one that i just started talking to on the phone then i found out she was trying to have a baby, she tried at home, once, and is now pregnant. i wonder if she is showing.

in the ttc world, i am having the most horrible cramps ever. does anyone experience a more horrific period after taking clomid? D has an appointmnet and a plane ticket has been purchaes for him to go drop off the swimmers at the pool! i think this is a euphamism for poopping, but it makes more sense for the spermies, don't you think?

i am feeling very positive about the january insemination. skip this if i have already told you all this, but we always said we would start in january 08, i couldnt wait so we started early. maybe our my eggs wanted me to learn about patience and keeping to a plan.

anyway, today my family and A are celebrating hannukah. all my cousins, my brother and his fiancee are here and it should be fun. tomorrow we leave for the bay area!!!

i wish all of you a very merry christmas and a happy and joyous and if you want, fertile new year!!!


Friday, December 21, 2007

happy birthday to me

so i have been gone for a while. we skipped this month so i didnt think i had much to say. now december 23 is getting close, and its my birthday! i have one of the shitiest days to be born in the year. december 24 is worse. december 25 is worse than that and december 26 is the worst of all. but mine, pretty much sucks.

my family always gets me one present for hannukah and my birthday. this year i literrally got a box wrapped half in hannukah and half in bday paper. One would think this would mean the gift cost twice as much. nope.

now, today, the last day of my work before we go on break, i am supposed to get a bday cake. mybday is on sunday. no other day that we are working between now and then. and guess what, every single person in my office forgot. see, i am usually the one who remembers. and when you are the one who remembers, you get forgotten.

i dont mean to throw a pity party but all of a sudden i am in my office tearing up. why do i care if these people forgot my bday? i guess because i feel like if they forgot my bday they dont care. but i dont think that is true. it goes back to the bad timing.

i guess it is my mom's fault.

thank goodness i have A. her family is planning a big party for me on my bday. we are going up north on sunday and the whole family and friends are going to be there for my favorite burrittos. i am really looking forward to it.

anyway, that is my sad tale of bday woe. i wish i could say it is a once in a lifetime experience, but it isnt.

ok, i am done bitching.

oh and i am gettting AF.


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

skipping merrilly along

the title to this blog is very promising, don't you think? tricked you! we are skipping this month. D can't fly down here this month, he is working 7 days a week for the next three weeks. i found this thing where he could ship the goods to me, our doctor wont accept it. oh well.
i did do clomid this month so i went in this morning for my ultrasound. i just wanted to see what was going on. i had two follicles on one side, 15 and 19 and one on the other but it was a -10, i guess that means small. my lining was good too, 9. it all looked perfect for our phantom insemintation! hopefully next month clomid will work just as well.
A and i had originally talked about starting this process in January 2008. i didn't want to wait so we started early. maybe the eggs were just waiting for January 08 because they believe that is their time.... who he F knows, i can think it though, right?

A and i just got back from a few days in las vegas. she had a seminar and i tagged along. it was super fun! i love to gamble. i was alone all day and pretty much slept and gambled all day. it was a joy.
this trip was on the heels of our trip to new orleans for thanksgiving. no more traveling for us until the christmas break. we go to her mom's house from my last day of work (this year it is the 21) through January 2. both of our offices are closed so it is a really nice break. i can't wait! plus my birthday is this month (23) and i love my birthday. i wanted to be pregnant before it this year but we don't always get what we want.
i have a lot more to say but i have to start working. my hours suck!
