Sunday, May 20, 2007

baby blogs

listed at Babes in Blogland

did this work? i am new at this...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

is it evil?

so jerry falwell just died. Is it evil to be happy? i mean he hated gays and lesbians. i can't imagine he wanted us to procreate or be happy or even just be. i don't want to promote being happy when someone dies but i don't think he would be shedding a tear if i died.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

pick a swimmer any swimmer

so i thought we made a choice. we picked a donor. a lucky winner! he had a similar background to my gf and his baby pic was super cute! and now..... my gf's brother is thinking of donating. i think it would be grand, half of her!

anyone have any experience?

how does it work? do you still go through the sperm bank? its all so complicated yet i think somehow it isnt. i am happy about it but trying not to get my hopes up to much.

thanks :)

Friday, May 4, 2007


its a little scary. lots of first. first blog entry. first time admitting to the anonymous world of blogging that my girlfriend and i are starting the process of having a baby. first time ummm for lots of other things i am sure.

i have been searching on the Internet for anything i can get my hands on regarding lesbians and babies, sperm, insemination etc. any other words i can possibly search for that will help me in my quest to learn everything that can possibly go wrong or right with this process. and i found that the most helpful information that i found was from other couples blogging about their life. so i thought i would join.

hi everyone!

now help me :)
